Nudie Clean Eileen naisten farkut - ash grey
Nudie Clean Eileen naisten farkut
Ash grey
Korkeavyötäröiset loose fit-farkut Nudie Jeansilta. Leveät ja täysmittaiset lahkeet. Materiaali on paksua mutta pehmeää 14,9-unssista kierrätyspuuvillaa, vangitsevan vaaleanharmaassa pesussa. Pesun tuloksena yksivärinen sävykirjo ja lumoava marmoroitu rakenne. Viehättävyyttä lisäävät hienovaraiset harmaat langat, lämpimät kupariset reunat ja ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistetut napit, jotka luovat upeat kontrastit.
- 100% luomupuuvilla
- 14,9-unssinen paksu denimkangas
- Loose fit
- Korkea vyötärö
- Leveät lahkeet
Jokaisen Nudie Jeans -parin mukana tulee ikuinen lupaus ilmaisesta korjauksesta riippumatta siitä, milloin, missä tai miten sait ne. Voit siis viedä rikkinäiset farkkusi aina lähimpään Nudien korjauspalveluita tarjoavaan liikkeeseen, vaikkapa meille Tampereelle!
Nudie Repair Partner - free repairs for Nudie jeans!
INCH" jeans store - official Nudie Repair Partner
We will start from 18.10.2023 as Finland's only Nudie Repair partner!
We repair Nudie Jeans jeans free of charge, regardless of where the jeans were originally purchased.
Nudie Repair Service
- We offer a free repair service for all Nudie jeans
- Due to hygiene reasons , we only accept washed jeans
- The jeans must be brought to our repair service personally on site
- We take one pair per customer into the repair queue at a time
- The repair time varies, you can get an estimate of the duration of the repair from our Nudie Repair specialist. Prepare for an estimated repair time of two to three weeks
Nudie Re-Use Program
- When you no longer wear your Nudie jeans, bring them to us washed and get a 20% discount on a new Nudie pair!
- The Nudie jeans brought in as an exchange are inspected and utilized:
- Jeans that are still usable are repaired and put on sale as part of the Nudie Re-Use concept
- If we can no longer repair the jeans, we use the fabric of the replacement jeans in our repair service
- Surplus fabrics are recycled responsibly
Welcome to INCH" jeans store. Our store is located in Tampere at Kuninkaankatu 21, on the second floor of Tirkkosentalo's courtyard.
We have a curated selection of men's and women's jeans from Nudie and other good jeans brands. Our professional staff will always help you choose the best model and suitable size.